Foundation Appeal to Donors
- The best possible health care is invaluable and irreplaceable to our community-just as good health is to you. St. John's Medical Center relies on the generosity of donors like you who highly regard and depend on its services.
We are writing to you for two reasons
-first, to underscore the important impact community contributions have had on St. John's services and programs and;
-second, to ask you to consider a gift in 2012 if you feel that our hospital's services has touched the lives of you or others in our community are worthy of your support.
Please look over our stewardship report. St. John's Medical Center has done much more than invest in technology, training and facilities. It has reshaped and often saved the lives of many patients, restoring loved ones to good health.
Although St. John's is mindful of the future when spending money and receives relatively modest tax support from the community the hospital cannot prudently cover $440,000 for the new MRI surroundings, and meet all of its other high priority programmatic, capital and facility needs. Significan changes in the funding of our healthcare system are sure to come. The certainty of change, when added to our continued commitment to the purchase of new technology and excellent care, presents an ongoing challenge for St. John's Medical Center that can only be bridged with your support.
St. John’s Medical Center is fiscally sound today, but, as is true for every not-for-profit hospital across the country that delivers excellent care, the philanthropic support of patients and friends enhances what St. John’s receives in payment for medical services, our modest tax support and what we borrow.Your contribution to St. John’s Hospital Foundation will help us maintain excellence and upgrade and expand our services. Please join us and your fellow community members in making a contribution so that we can continue to deliver a range of high quality services in one of the most financially challenging periods many of us have ever experienced.
Jim Eden, Chair, Board of Directors
Liz Finegan, President
Click below to view the 2012 Stewardship Report
Stewardship Report 2012Please support us through Old Bill's!
100 Million Thanks!